Thursday, June 25, 2009

Embarrassment strikes again!

So, I just completely embarrassed myself again! We were on break during my voice class. There was a chair that looked very comfortable in the front so I sat down. I was experimenting with how far I could lean back. Now, I know that I have been taught to never lean back but some of us have to learn the hard way. It might be at this point that I need to remind you that I am not a small person. So, in my zest to see how far I could lean back...I gave it a good push...the weight of my body and the force combined. The chair continued past the normal stopping point! I did a complete somersault off the chair right there in front of my classmates! The base was sitting on the ground and the chair portion was laying on the floor! All I could do was lay there and laugh! What an idiot!