Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back to School

School is off to a great start. I love my job and actually look forward to going to work each day. I am trying new things from summer school and am loving the results.

I had one very embarrassing moment so far this year. I was going to our yearly sexual harassment training when my boss walked by. I could not resist taking a lanyard and whacked him on the butt. I immediately realized what a stupid mistake I had made and went about 5 shades of red. All the teachers commented on my sexual harassment and my boss backs up and says, "It's only harassment if it is unwanted." I had to leave as quickly as possible before my red face was completely noticed. The phrase...think twice before acting...I really should do that more often:)

1 comment:

Tamra and Jim said...

Yeah...ya think? haha That's hilarious. Better keep that lanyard in your pocket, or wherever it belongs. hahaha