Sunday, November 23, 2008

The stucco is on

The walls are all taped.
I decided to go with tapioca for the color of my stucco. It looks great with the green roof.
These are about the last shots that show progress from the outside. All that is lacking is the garage door. It is all going so fast.

This is a picture of the front porch.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

We have sheet rock!

Konnie's wedding pictures

Kallee and Maggi look on from the loft.

Our wonderful aunts. They make it to almost every occassion. It is a treat to have such wonderful people who have set such a legacy for us to follow.

The new brother-in-law Billy, Konnie, Dad and Mom

Dad and mom in comfortable seats for the ceremony.

The sisters line up for their pose. Maybe the legacy that our aunts set forth will continue.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I figured we were way past due for a good story. Tuesday morning I awoke to do a service project of cleaning yards. Is this the reason for the picture? I mean, rakes, shovels, youth, fire, all could be very possible reasons. Nope. How about going home and roping. Thumbs manage to frequently get in the way during roping. Nope. This all came about due to a cake. Yes...a cake. You see, Konnie asked for a carrot wedding cake. Carrot cake is easy enough you would think. My landlord has a wonderful grater and I decided to just run by her house to grate the carrots and then head out and bake them. Her daughter came in the kitchen to assist me with my task. She was going great guns when she all of a sudden started jumping around and saying that she had pinched her finger. I so boldly stepped forward and said, "Oh here, let me show you how to do it". I was holding with my left hand and rapidly turning with my right when all of a sudden my thumb was sucked into the grater. I showed her alright! It took off a little piece of my fingernail and laid the skin back a little. Please notice that I used the word "little" twice. Nothing major you would think. I got my thumb rinsed off. They bandaged me all up and then gave me a nice cold drink of water. I went and sat in the comfy chair to just relax a bit because it did hurt. It was at this moment that the Reidhead cropped out in me. I had that nauseous feeling and said, "Pam, I think I am going to pass out". I came to a few seconds later soaking wet and asking the important questions of life. Who are you? Where am I? What am I supposed to be doing here? Poor Pam was not quite sure what to do with me. I assured her that this is a very common occurrence in my life:) Needless to say, It is fine and trust me is so not worth fainting over but I did.


We had an activity at the church tonight and they asked me to bring my dummy. Mom has always told me exactly what I need to do to improve my roping so I let her put her advice into action. It is one of those "do as I say not as I do moments":) One thing is for is such an example to all. She willingly accepts a calling as enrichment leader at age 75 even though she has trouble getting around. She is involved and has a smile on her face. She still seeks to be positive each day no matter her trial. She was out on her walker this last Saturday cleaning up the weeds because she cannot stand things to look trashy. She is a go getter and someone that I want to be like more and more each day. I count it a treasure to be her daughter.

More house progress

It has been interesting to see the plumbing go in. There is a lot to it!

This is the styrofoam under the page wire for better insulation. It has made a difference already.

This is the outside with the first layer of stucco on it. I should be moving in before Christmas. It is so exciting!

They hung the sheet rock today:) It looks like a house now. I still have to pinch myself.